Spiritism | A Religious & Philosophical Doctrine

Spiritism was founded in France in the 1850s by Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, a French teacher, educational writer, and translator who wrote books under the pen name Allan Kardec on "the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits, and their relation with the corporeal world."

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Allan Kardec

Allan Kardec organized, compared, and synthesized the responses he received from spirits into a body of information known as the codification by interrogating various mediums in trance on a range of subjects. It refers to our continual urge to learn more about the world around us (science), make sense of what we've learned (philosophy), and apply what we've learned to our daily lives in order to better ourselves and the world around us (religion).

About Spiritism

The conjoining of Science, Philosophy, and Religion is commonly referred to as the triple-aspect of Spiritism. The phrase was initially used in Kardec's book, The Spirits Book, to differentiate Spiritism from spiritualism.

Humans, like all other living things, are believed to be immortal souls who temporarily inhabit physical bodies for multiple required incarnations in order to achieve moral and intellectual progress, according to spiritist philosophy.

It also claims that disembodied spirits can have a positive or negative impact on the physical world through passive or active mediumship.

Difference from Spiritualism & Occultism

Spiritism is distinguished from Spiritualism by its belief in reincarnation. Spiritism was not recognized by UK and US Spiritualists at the time because they were unsure about the Spiritist stance on reincarnation.

Spiritism also differentiates from Occultism in that its teachings are exoteric, as opposed to esoteric knowledge, which is only available to a select group of students or members. In Spiritism, all knowledge is open to the public and is never earned through induction or hierarchical advancement.

Spiritism is a science dedicated to the link between incorporeal entities (spirits) and human beings, according to Kardec in What Is Spiritism? As a result, some Spiritists consider themselves as following a philosophical philosophy with a scientific fulcrum and moral foundations rather than a religion.

Theory of Spiritism

In five of Allan Kardec's publications, the essential theory of Spiritism ("the Codification") is defined:

Click for the PDF version of 3 of his books below

What Readers Say

Eventhough the text was written nearly 100 years ago, it is very scientific and written for the layman on Earth who Questions the Stars Existence. Who we are, What we are, etcetera. Lovely introduction to Spiritist Philosophy

This was clearly not written by a living human being, but by spirit entities many thousands of years our superiors in knowledge and understanding, and the real meaning of love in their hearts. Very logical and just canot stop reading.

This book is for those that understand Jesus talk through parables and that the meaning was much more profound. Reading the book, it is easy to see the profound meaning and very deep considerations from author.